The health Services provided by unit:
Nursing unit: To oversee all nursing cadre in the District. This section is one of the key parts of the Department since Nurses are most important workers in Health Service Delivery.
HIV/AIDS unit: This unit controls all the activities that are to be carried out on HIV/AIDS control; in consideration to testing; medication; adherence to drugs administration; Laws and Regulations; and policy implementation.
Home-based care unit: with other stakeholders this unit functions to assist all sick people at their homes. This section is highly assisted by home based care providers who visits the sick people at their home and give them necessary assistance including Drugs, nutritional assistance, and Counseling.
Pharmacy unit: this unit deals with ordering, requiring, forecasting and storage of drugs in the District. Availability of drugs has been a challenge due to financial constrains facing Medical Store Department. There are several sources of funds for purchasing drugs such as, Community Health Funds which has been potential source of fund for Drug. Basket fund also is another important source of fund for drug purchases although it provides drugs to all Health facilities.
Nutrition unit: this unit oversees all nutritional issues in the District through conducting various activities such as vitamin “A” supplementations, de-worming of under-fives, nutritional supplements and nutritional assessments. Currently the prevalence of malnutrition is 2.1%. Vitamin A supplementation and De-worming is 96%.
Environmental Health unit: in this unit Health Officers control all important issues of sanitation and cleaning of various facilities and Streets. They also inspect the selling sites like food premises, shops, Super markets, schools, Hotels, Colleges, Universities and other institutions. Currently the solid waste management rate stands at 68%.
TB/LEPROSY unit: this unit controls all activities relating to Tuberculosis and Leprosy. It supervises all treatment regimes that are given day to day and regulates the principles of the projects based on the laws and regulations and policy implementations.
Traditional medicine and alternative medicine unit: this unit has the roles of registering all Traditional Healers and guide the how to conduct their activities. There are 35 Traditional Healers, though only 15 (33%) are registered.
Public private partnership unit: the coordinator of this unit normally coordinates all stakeholders who are providing Health services in the District. The District has 16 private and faith based health facilities. Among these 7 are private health facilities and 9 are owned by faith based organizations.
Mental health unit: this unit coordinates all mental health conditions and their effects to the community. The situation of mental Health is currently stabilizing after provision of drugs and supervision. Currently, the prevalence of mental health conditions stands at 3%.
Integrated, logistics surveillance and logistics unit: this unit usually collects the HMIS Data weekly, monthly, and annually and utilizes them for the District. Currently, this unit is well performing with reporting rate of 100% for the week 1 of 2017.
District health secretary unit: this unit controls Human resource for health and other DMOs functions. It deals with preparation of CCHP, Coordinating the budget preparation, report writing and send them to the respective authorities. The council has total number of 349 (34%) health workers.
Radiology unit: this unit controls all activities relating to radiology and emerging in the District. Currently the District has no X- Ray machine, Ultrasound Machine, and their supplies.
Eye unit: the unit is coordinated to control all eye problems in the District.
Community health fund unit: the coordinator of this unit controls all the contributions of members who are joining health facilities. Currently, there is low number (28.4%) of households joining the Community health fund regime.
The current status with regards to health issues in the district indicates that:
•supply of medicine, equipment, and diagnostic supplies is 73%;
•presence of drugs at health facilities is 77%;
•condition of medical equipment at health facilities is 81%;
•maternal mortality rate is 62/100,000;
•neonatal mortality rate is 3/1000;
•Infant Mortality rate is 12/1000;
•Under five mortality rate is 17/1000 live Birth;
•Referral system of patients from Health facilities is 78%;
•Proportion of Home delivery is 48%;
•Proportion of obstetric complications is 32%;
•Prevalence of communicable Disease 4%;
•Case fatality rate due to HIV/AIDS is 38%;
•Prevalence due to TB is 0.3%;
•Prevalence of mental health conditions is 3%;
•Prevalence of diabetic mellitus is 4%;
•Incidence of accidents leading to disability is 2%;
•Incidence of Injuries is 1%;
•Prevalence of other non-communicable diseases is 5%;
•Prevalence of oral conditions is 7.8%;
•Prevalence of eye diseases in above five years is 2.1%;
•Prevalence of eye diseases among under-five is 2.5%;
•Prevalence of Anthrax in the district is 0.1%;
•Proportion of Households with no toilets is 28%;
•Proportion of Households with no quality toilets is 17%;
•Adherence to laws and regulations on quality goods supply is 75%;
•Sanitation at food distribution and consumption areas is 82%;
•Quality supply of water in community is 57.7%;
•Levels of fluorosis in the community is 4.1%;
•Living areas in Orphanage centers is 48%;
•Proportion of disabilities caused by motor traffic accidents is 9.1%;
•proportion of child abuses is 3%;
•Proportion of most vulnerable children are 2,033;
•Incidences of Abuse and Neglect among older people is 1%;
•Proportion of management at Health Facilities is 80%;
•Proportion of Health facilities with 0 star is 34%;
•Proportion of Health Facilities with 1 star is 58%;
•Proportion of Health Facilities with 2 stars is 6%;
•Proportion of Health Facilities with qualification of 3stars is 2%;
•Availability of skill mix HRH is 39.9%;
•Proportion of management at Health Facilities is 80%;
•Incidence of outbreaks of Cholera is 2%;
•Information (Research) on epidemic occurrences is 0.8%;
•Proportion of unregistered Traditional Healers is 67%;
•Proportion of Traditional Healers with poor quality medicines is 95%;
•Proportion of Health facilities with fair infrastructures is 56%;
•Proportion of health facilities with high degree of dilapidation is 68%;
•Health facilities delivery is 85%.
•Prevention of HIV Transmission from Mother to child is 1%.
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