This Unit is responsible for coordinating development of Beekeeping Industry in the District. The unit has two staff, to perform functions of the beekeeping Unit, of disseminating beekeeping knowledge to 67 villages of the Arusha District Council. It needs three more staff (technicians). Currently Arusha District Council has 20 beekeeping groups, which are Bwawani, Ngaramtoni, Ng’iresi, Kiranyi, Bangata, Oldonyosambu, Oldonyowasi, Losinoniand Oldonyosapuk
Arusha District council has a total of 511 beekeepers with 1372 traditional Beehives and 2978 modern Bee Hives. The residents of Arusha District have been the beekeepers since long ago, but the beekeeping was conducted locally by using local hives and methods. As the time went on, the residents changed the style and are now gradually adopting modern methods of beekeeping. 130 Beekeepers in Arusha District are using Modern Bee hives.
Areas suitable for beekeeping: Arusha District Council has two main ecological zones suitable for beekeeping that include: southern dry land characterized with hot seasons with reasonable vegetation and Northern Green belt characterized with high rainfall and long terms of cold weather. There are about 25 villages potential for Beekeeping in Arusha District. These are mainly found in southern area characterized with hot seasons.
Products and production: the beekeeping is done by individuals in small scale and by groups. Due to extension and training on beekeeping there is an increase on beekeeping groups from 5 groups 2010/11 to 20 groups currently 2016/17. Bee keeping is not commercially done. The main product produced is honey and mainly used for food, medicinal and in ceremonial functions. The excessive honey produced is taken to the market. The honey producers have no reliable market otherwise they could make more production. There is no wax production in Arusha District Council. The total of 30,000 kg of honey was recorded to be collected by residents in 2010/11 – 2014/15.
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Anuani ya posta: 2330 Arusha
Simu : +255 027 2502737
Simu: 073 65000476
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